shooting star

last night

i was standing at my balcony waiting for the dawn prayer

i usually stand there to watch the night sky when it start to fade with the coming light of the sun

so, i lift my head up to my sky wile i was waiting to hear the prayer

and there it goes …. a shooting star falls in front of my eyes (☆^O^☆)

it was not an ordinary one, actually this one cross the atmosphere and it has a sound like when you light a fireworks

it last for almost 2 sec and it was the most large shooting star i have ever see

that was soooo amazing, cause i was there at the right moment to see it and it was the first for me to see one like this one.

daddy told me that i was lucky to see it

well that what i think also  (*≧▽≦), but thinking of it, it would be more wonderful if i really get to go up there to see it more clearly (my sky)

this was my life time wish, even tho i know it hard to become true but just thinking of it enough for me now

well that about my last nigh  (*^ワ^*) how about yours??


Sisters project


me and my sisters are going to do some little project for us  (n˘v˘•)¬

am really enjoying it since we doing it together as sisters, making accessorizes and having fun is really great (❁´◡`❁)*✲゚*

although am not very good at it but i’ll do my best

my tow sisters are going to make cute things and am suppose to make bracelets

so, work work work i have to finish my share of work soon  (*≧▽≦)


happy happy i am today (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))


my precious memories

there is some memories i keep so safe in my mind

memories that no way i can forget, it’s more important than myself

those memories are just like the seashells the keep the sound of the sea whenever you listen to them

there echo are soo dear that is keep you listening to them Unconsciously

whenever i feel depress i close my eyes and only think of them

even if they can’t be here anymore, but only remembring them can make me smile

but also it make my heart ache for a bit knowing that they will be only past

keeping them near make my life more livable

i attach to them more and more every time cause i know they will only be like that forever

am weak to scratch them away, but strong if they by my side

they like the breath that goes in me without it i may die

my precious memories


my dream

I wonder where it goes

the strings that in my dreams

the word that i have say

the feel within of me

i wonder how it change

like it was never here

it all just dissaper when i just reach

my own reality

the world that i live in

clearly it’s not for me

it almost made me change

hide my identity

i guess i blend in the wrong sociyty

started to forget how to become me

except when i start my dream

My new born kittys

Haaaaaai every one o(≧▽≦)o

it been over a week since i last write here i guess but, this month really make no chance for me to write

but 3 days ago my cat finaly  \(*T▽T*)/ have birth to cute cute 2 little kitty and amsooo happy about it o(≧∇≦o)

they are the same as her like she copy herself  into 2 little pice if cuteness ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ

we name them jacky and lucky (they are one malr and one female o(^・x・^)o)

here some picture of them (๑╹っ╹๑)


374410_592029717502535_950605811_n Angel799

Us Humans and Our Life

how about we chat a little about us humans.

we have made our way in this live, like it or not.

with or without knowing our real purpose of living.

we draw a line to a goal we want to reach, trying our best in every day.

we done every thing we want to do with any price it has to take, we climb on each other bodes just to get to the top.

it’s such a messy hard short life we live.

going around wasting those little breaths we have, knowing nothing else to do.

some has achieve a lot and some haven’t done any thing at all.

in the end we all die, and what we done will stick on our names.

so, how about we think about it for a little bit, why are we here?

what is the reason for us to live this short live?

why god create it us?

let’s see … if you create something, won’t you want it to Serve,and obey you?

in this case god create it us in return shouldn’t we have to obey and Worship him.

god never ask to much from us and even take care and watch over us so as thanx isn’t that fair?

What is life?

for me, i see life as a school .. you study well learn a lot then work hard to get a nice grade, in between you have a space for your self to rest and have fun.

in the end you’ll have to take the last exam and it will determine your all Effort.

usually you’ll get chance to retake you exam if you fail, but in life’s school you have one chance in that exam if it come.

but in the other hand you’ll get a lot and a lot chances in the middle of your life to make up for your mistakes and take back  your right path.

god always guide us and make the ways light in-front of us to realize, but it’s we the ones that closes our heart and eyes in-front of his help.

so, if you know that eventually we will die, wouldn’t you suppose to think more about your life?

some people don’t believe in after death’s life, it’s true that it’s a little unfamiliar since there no one experience it to tell us about it,

but if you read some books of the main Religions and even the side ones you’ll see that they have the same basic describe for it.

so, doesn’t that mean that it must be real?

and if that so shouldn’t we prepare well for it.

rationally it will save us if it was true and that we won’t lose anything if it wasn’t. right?

so why we argue soo much about it then?

isn’t better for us to try to listen and search for the truth, life really to short to take it easy any way.

isn’t it best for us to take the safe way than Floundering in the darkness.

why won’t you think yourself as a traveler in this world and eventually you’ll have to leave to another place, will you leave empty hand? or you’ll take some provisions with you.

if you didn’t need it you can throw it away, it won’t harm you to carry it, but if you do need it think what will happen to you if you didn’t carry it with you.

you must be asking your self now, what is this provisions that she is talking about?

from the start of the humanity God send us many messengers to keep us on the right path and to help us understand our living purpose.

all the religion that we know now were here because of those messengers, and all of them are connected.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam all following each other, Judaism comes first then Christianity add more to it then Islam was the Conclusion,

like they were some chapters in a book, you should read the whole chapters if you want to understand what this book about.

am not trying here to led you to any of it, am just giving you my own point of view, you should be the one to search it more and thinking about it.

every things in this life can teach us why god give us our own lives, from the plants to the animals, the seas the wind and the sky.

the whole universe had been made by god And certainly it has signs to guide us through.

search for it in the right places, look carefully around you, observe this life more closely.

make sure to let your heart and mind wide open, No need to to be fanaticism, be more flexible.

we sure make mistake at last we are humans, but still we have to make sure to avoid them and learn more from them.

i know this was a long speech but it’s one of the important discussions in our life, so why we don’t give it a scope.

we won’t live this life twice, so make sure you chose right.


Hi all

sorry for being late on publish my next part of The strange path story… (*゚ー゚)ゞ

i was a little busy with this month preparation and i didn’t have time to write.( ̄□ ̄;)!!

so, i’ll get it ready soon i hope

wait for it  (*≧▽≦)

welcome stranger

welcome stranger, it’s been a long time.

from year to year we waited you to come.

even if for short time, we love to see you again.

you spread a love with your kind lien.

you teach us how to be patience, how to see the people that in need.

you make our heart grow from the kindness seed.

welcome back stranger, for your days am glad to be able to live.


Ramadan Kareem to all of you my family, friend and even the people i don’t know yet.

wish you all happy glory month.

God bless you all.




If am not me

If I was a star, I would be still shine even after I die

I would show the world that hoping is not a lie

If I was a sea I would send my waves high carry those heavy ships

let you see even if i I was light i’ll have those strings

if I was a tree  i’ll set my roots deep into the land I grew

never let it go no matter how the wind blow

but I am who I am no more it’s that clear

I can be me but still have all those felling I Wished for

I can be star a sea and tree and I don’t need to stop

it’s not the object that matter here, it’s the idea that it warp

If am not me won’t do, cause I like the person I am more

the soul I have inside me that what I want them to like me for ☆~(ゝ。∂)

Dreams journey

Dreams or even nightmare

are almost like you live in another world

and you have a different life

to do things you can’t usually do, to see places that you really want to go to

meet people for the first time, have a power that in reality doesn’t exist

my dreams are almost like stories that i live day by day

sometimes i don’t remember any of it

by sometimes i do, and to think that i lived even for few hours in a world like that it’s amazing

how our brain work it’s completely amazing we should admire it.

to think where will be in our next dream journey, if it will be sad or happy.

supernatural or even scary.

it’ll be really exited.

so, wish for you a nice a comfortable trip on your next dream journey



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Talking Experience

Life is a journey where choices are made every moment


Poetry, story and real life. Once soldier, busnessman, grandfather and Poet.

ann johnson-murphree

Artist, Writer of Confessional Free Verse Poetry and Fiction



Project Light to Life

A bucket list blog: exploring happiness, growth, and the world.